Optimize your hormones levels to maximize emotional health

For people struggling with mental health challenges, events like the COVID-19 pandemic can be challenging. Maintaining a feeling of normalcy and balance helps improve mental health. Optimized hormone levels maximize emotional health and BioTE hormone replacement therapy can do just that.
Here is a checklist of five essential habits to help maintain mental health:
1. Establish a Routine
Create a routine and stick to it. A schedule of set times for meals, exercise, and socializing helps maintain a sense of balance.
2. Regular Exercise
While many gyms are still closed, there are lot’s of online classes and courses you can take. Everything from fitness coaching to martial arts classes can be taken online. Check your local gym or fitness studio as many are offering FREE online, Zoom type classes. More importantly, even if it is only a walk around the block, consistency counts!
3. Keep Up Your “Support Network”
Working from home and less “in person” social time can lead to feelings of isolation. For that reason, it’s important to take time to connect with friends and family, even if it’s just a quick text to “check in”.
4. Talk to a Mental Health Professional
In case your doctor’s office is still closed, many mental health professionals are offering tele-health visits. Above all, seeking the help of a licensed mental health practitioner is nothing to be ashamed of and can provide many benefits.
5. Avoid To Much Media Exposure
The World Health Organization recommends avoiding too much exposure to the news as it tends to sensationalize events and may can cause anxiety. Actually, limiting your “News Diet” to one or two times a day has been shown to help lower anxiety.
The Hormone Connection to Mental Health
In fact, when stressed, the body’s two main stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) cause many problems. This includes anxiety, moodiness, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. Estrogen and testosterone imbalances can also affect your emotional state. Sometimes, estrogen deficiencies are misdiagnosed as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorders. Optimized estrogen levels can increase serotonin and beta-endorphins, helping to improve mood. Decreased levels of estrogen have been associated with panic attacks, low mood, anxiousness, and mood swings.
These symptoms can be relieved by boosting low levels of estrogen with natural bio-identical hormones. The effects of Estrogen, Testosterone, and Progesterone on mental health is well known. However, the effect of Thyroid hormones on emotional health is equally important. Hyperthyroidism is a condition where the thyroid becomes overactive and can cause depression, anxiousness, and even panic attacks.
In closing, optimized hormone levels maximize emotional health. If you’re not feeling your best, contact our office. You may be a candidate for BioTE Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Optimize your hormone levels to maximize emotional health!